First Time Filing For Workers Compensation? Then Avoid These Mistakes

Life is dangerous. Even in the most mundane locations, an accident could happen at any time. Since about 66% of drivers report driving distracted through parking lots, even your next trip to the grocery store could cause you significant harm.

And yet, for many people, their day to day work life comes with a plethora of associated risks. Power line electricians commonly deal with voltages rated at 400,000 to 750,000 volts, and the logging industry alone endured 900 on-the-job injuries in 2016.

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4 Costly Divorce Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make

Divorce in America today is already fairly expensive once everything’s been wrapped up. In the United States, the cost of a divorce varies from $15,000 to about $42,500, but no matter what end of the scale you end up on, that’s thousands of dollars you’ll be spending. If you can avoid these mistakes while working through your divorce, you might be able to tip the scales in your favor and save a bit on the expenses of an already difficult experience.

  1. Assuming that legal proceedings are necessary: Even if you and your spouse end up splitting, there are ways of managing the separation outside of a messy courtroom situation. Divorce mediation can help you and your spouse separate more amicably and work together to reach agreements, rather than having to battle it out in court. If you think it’s at all possible that you and your spouse may be able to cooperate for the sake of saving on divorce costs, look for a mediator first before resorting to an attorney directly.

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