5 Reasons Why Sending Your Child to Private School Is Worth It


Sending your child to school aims to help them become independent and enables them to succeed in all other areas of their lives. This is where the quality of the school comes in, making it more important to get them into a good school than trying to save money. Have a look at these five reasons why sending your child to private school will be completely worth it.

Individualized Attention

Private schools offer the best individual focus to students because they have smaller class sizes on average than standard public schools. A typical student-to-teacher ratio in a private school is 15 students per teacher. These small classes provide the teachers with enough room to focus more on each student’s development and weak points. In fact, 87% of all private schools have a student population of fewer than 300 students.

More Available Resources

Unlike public schools, private schools have a lot of resources at their disposal. Public schools depend on government budget allocation to run school activities, while private schools make use of the premium tuition fees they charge. Depending on the zone and location, public schools can receive barely enough to get them through the year. Private schools, on the other hand, have a good resource base and in turn offer better quality education, food, and extracurricular activities, as they don’t have to save money and try to make do with the bare minimum.

Your Child Will Succeed Academically

Every parent dreams of seeing their child succeed in their academics so they can pursue their career of choice. Private schools offer a better environment to ensure this fact becomes reality. They hire better-qualified teachers and offer them better pay than their counterparts in public schools. With this as a consideration and given that the teacher-student ratio is lower than that of public schools, the teachers are in a better position to offer premium teaching services to the students. You can also play your role at home by ensuring that if they have an area to study in, 15% of the wall space is taken up by windows while the rest displays your child’s artwork and achievements for extra motivation!

Choose a Focus Area

Each person is unique in quite a number of respects. In the past, our education system was group-focused and this was disadvantageous to some students as their interests were not catered to. With the evolution of education and more focus given to individual students rather than to the class as a unit, private schools have become champions in allowing students to choose their focus area and perfect them. This is backed by the fact that people will always shine in their areas of interest.

Parent Involvement Is Key

Parent involvement plays a major role in helping a student to succeed. When your child knows that you are backing their efforts, they will be more inspired to work hard as they want to make you proud by succeeding. As a parent, you can help in many ways, from providing a listening ear to helping your child stay organized. With an estimate that each of us will spend about 3,680 hours in our life looking for misplaced items, helping your child stay organized at home will help you all save valuable time and be more productive.

While it’s good to save money and we are all encouraged to do so from a young age, this is no reason to expose our children to a lower quality of education. Have a look around and find a good private school whose values you believe will work for your child. When they become well-rounded and succeed in their endeavors, you will be glad to have played a role in that.

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