How To Identify Red Flags of Investment Scams

red flags of investment scams

When it comes to investment opportunities, there are a lot of predators out there. There has been a long history of investment scams in the US, and it is important to stay aware. There are a lot of ways to be swindled, and there is a lot of money involved in these scams. This article … Read more

Is It Worth Investing in Domain Names?

Investing in Domain Names

The world, as we know it, exists on the internet. Almost everything we do relies on some sort of website, app, or online software. While this has been true for a long time, the market for certain aspects of the internet has changed drastically. The web domain market is no exception. While investing in domain … Read more

Federal Reserve Futures Went Negative. Now What?

Federal Reserve

When it comes to the Federal Reserve, things get extremely confusing. Essentially, they take care of the economy by setting interest rates that either expand or shrink the money supply. Since the Fed is technically a private company, the stock market trades on their “futures,” and the price on them just went negative. This is … Read more

How the Sandwich Generation Can Prepare for Retirement

sandwich generation

There are a growing number of people in this country that are taking care of their parents. While the older generations need more of their children’s care, those sons and daughters are having their own kids. When you find yourself in the position in which you take care of both your parents and your kids, you are … Read more