Earning Extra Cash While Dog Walking


dog-1551705_960_720Being unemployed sucks. It can take you a while to get your next job. In the meantime, your bills don’t stop coming. You still need to make money. Do you like animals? Do you like spending time with pets, particularly dogs? If you do, then dog walking could be a way for you to make extra money. You can get some fresh air and make some extra cash in the process. Since you need more money, you should consider putting one of your interests to good use. Those who love animals can satisfy their passion as well as their wallet with a job as a dog walker.


Dog walking is just that, exercising canines. Busy people who own pets don’t always have the time or energy to give their dog a full workout each day. Dogs need that mental stimulation to adjust well to life with humans. A dog walker provides a much-needed service for busy pet owners. They spend time with the dog, give it exercise and also have fun with it.

How to get started

Getting started as a dog walker is easy. You don’t need any special credentials to walk a dog. However, it is more effective if you are a dog owner. That way you know how to treat them, and you also know the habits of dogs. Even researching a little bit about dogs won’t hurt when it comes to this job. Things you can research are different types of breeds and different types of exercises. You can also search for places that have a lot of space so that the dogs can have a good time and not have to deal with a lot of human interaction. Consult your state or local licensing agency to see if you need a business license to walk dogs. If you do, fill out the requisite forms and file them before it begins.

While you are waiting, you can work on a plan to get started. If you own a dog, you are probably acquainted with others who do as well. Check with them to see if they would be interested in hiring a dog walker (or if they someone who is), Get a feel for the market for this service in your community and city at large. This will help you set your rates.

Advertise your services. Free advertising is best, like word of mouth to friends or posting on community bulletins. In this day and age, you should use social media to advertise. You can make a Facebook page for your business. You can also use FB ads. Other social media accounts that you can use are Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Y0u can also turn your car into a moving billboard with the name of the service and phone number on it. That way you will be advertising everywhere you go.

Take time to prepare your gear. You could be walking more than one dog at a time, so make sure that you have a couple of extra leashes just in case one breaks. Plastic bags will be a must for outings with dogs because most parks will require you to pick up after your pets.

Finally, create a schedule that works with your job and other commitments. Try to work it so that free time is filled with clients. Give yourself time to walk the dog and tie to arrive at your next customer. Consider arranging appointments an hour or so apart.

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