Signs That Indicate A Good Financial Advisor


Finding a good financial advisor can be a difficult task. You want someone with experience yet you want them to listen to you and help you invest your money in the best way for you. You want them to be confident in their decisions, yet willing to make changes when you request them. Being a financial advisor is a balancing act and some are better at balancing than others. Here are some of the signs you should look for if you want to find a good financial advisor.

Area Of Expertise Fits Your Needs

Many people do not know that financial advisors often focus on areas of expertise that they are really good at. Some of these advisors specialize in retirement planning while others handle tax planning or other types of personal finance. It is important to find out what the financial advisor is good at to see if their area of expertise fits your financial needs. It is also important to find out what they are not good at. No advisor is great at everything and the ones that admit that are the ones that should earn your trust.

Good Communication Skills

It is also important for the financial advisor you do business with to have good communication skills. While it is expected that advisors will reach out to their clients quarterly at minimum, you may want to talk to your advisor more often and you should be allowed to. You should feel comfortable when you are talking to the advisor you choose and they should not talk down to you or make you feel inadequate when you are faced with something you have not encountered before. If you feel uncomfortable talking to your financial advisor, then they are not the right advisor for you.

Talking to you face to face is not the only way your financial advisor should communicate with you. A good financial advisor will use several methods of communicating and will allow you to choose the methods that you are most comfortable with. Whether the communications come by telephone, in the mail, or by email, the communication should be personally tailored to you and your current financial positions. You should ask about anything that is unclear and the advisor should be able to explain to you why they are making the recommendations they are making.

Focusing on these qualities will help you find the best financial advisor for your current and future financial needs.

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