How to Find Your Purpose After Retirement


Find your purpose after retirement

When it comes to retirement, it seems like a permanent vacation. On it’s surface, never having to work gain sounds 100% positive, with no real drawbacks. Unfortunately, this leaves many unprepared for the real internal struggle many retirees are left with. With nowhere that you have to go, and nothing you have to do, it can feel like you have somehow run out of usefulness. This is not the case, and there are ways to make sure that life still has meaning post-employment. So how do you find purpose after retirement? The key is to replace the structure that employment brought, even if you do so loosely. Here are some tips on how to accomplish that!

Stay Social

One of the healthiest and most rewarding parts of going to work each day is interaction with others. Make sure you aren’t neglecting this part of life when you no longer have to clock in! Keep your schedule full, and make sure it isn’t just with the same people every week. Join a club or group that meets up and does something you enjoy. Stay involved in church and maybe up your involvement in those communities you are already in. Don’t lose out on the opportunity to meet new people and build relationships like you did at work. This doesn’t mean to neglect the old friends. You’re retired now, and odds are they are too. Make sure you set a couple days aside each week to meet up with old friends and enjoy what you have accomplished.

Stay Active

This one will look different depending on who you are. Obviously, if you’re fully able-bodied, joining a biking or running club is a great way to structure your exercise and meet new people. Even going and lifting some weights is extremely beneficial to maintain muscle tissue and fight against bone degradation. Make sure at least 3 days of each week involve some exercise, and don’t think that you can’t push yourself because you’re a little older. Now, if you aren’t fully able-bodied, there are still ways to keep moving. If you can’t run, take walks. If you are in a wheelchair, it is still extremely important to get outside and get some fresh air. Retirement was meant to open your horizons, giving you the time to spend doing things that you haven’t tried. Don’t let it become a prison sentence within your own home.

Be Productive With Your Passions

You’re retired, and your job is no longer to make money for anybody else. This does not mean, though, that you don’t have a job. Your job now is to push hard for yourself, and the things and people that you love. So take note of the things you love doing that you just didn’t have time for before. Whether its writing, painting, sailing, or any other labor of love, make sure you are clocking in as often as possible and working on your craft. Just because your work doesn’t make someone else money, doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth something. Now is your time to truly be your own boss, and do everything you can to make the rest of your life as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible.

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