Super Sneaky Ways To Save More Money

Sometimes the best way to save more money is to find ways to save that do not seem like work. When you are constantly thinking about saving, it begins to seem like a chore and you will start to lose enthusiasm for the process. Instead of obsessing over every dollar and whether it should go … Read more

Good Reasons To Get A Bank Account

With the turmoil in the financial markets today, many people are wondering if a bank account is worth the hassle. Bank account owners have to constantly be vigilant against electronic theft from the accounts, excessive banking fees, and overdrafts. However, having a bank account can provide you with some important protections that you will not … Read more

Create A Plan For Saving Money As A Couple

Saving money as a couple can be easier than working on financial goals alone. Planning goals together allows for a greater level of support and increases your focus on the end objective. It can be really exciting to plan goals with someone special and it will be rewarding working together as a team to reach … Read more

The Fees Banks Charge Are Costing You Plenty

Ever opened up your bank statement to find that various fees charged by the bank have reduced your account balance? Many people have and often have no idea why they were even charged the fee in the first place. To make money off of their account holders, many banks institute a wide variety of fees … Read more