How a “Death Box” Can Assist With Estate Planning


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The loss of a loved one is among the most painful and difficult transitions in life. However, having to deal with mountains of paperwork as you settle their affairs will make it even worse. Therefore, my family decided to make it as simple as possible by adopting a new organizational system. After years of sorting and filing, we have condensed all our important documents and files into one convenient location. Not only has it made things easier to find, but it has also helped us with our long-term plans. If you were struggling to get started, here’s how a death box can help you with everything from organization to estate planning.

What is a Death Box?

Although it sounds morbid, a “death box” probably isn’t what you think it is. Despite the name, it’s not a casket. It’s an organizational system like the Nokbox that can help you keep track of important documents for your loved ones. Like other types of lockboxes, it’s fireproof so it provides a secure place to protect your personal information.

And with the categorized files and checklists, it’s the perfect tool to help you with estate planning or home organization.

Why Should You Consider Getting One?

When you’re young, estate planning and document organization aren’t high priorities. However, I quickly learned their importance after my father passed. In addition to having several different types of assets, he also left 40+ years of paperwork to sort through. To make matters worse, many documents were never properly stored. Since he used cardboard boxes, there was extensive water damage, mold, and animal infestations. Quite frankly, some boxes were health hazards.

But, we slowly worked our way through it all. We burned the things we didn’t need, made digital copies of damaged documents, and transferred the rest into the corresponding files. Though we started downsizing before he passed, it took another year to finish after he died. But now, my mom and I have categorized an entire lifetime of paperwork into a box the size of a filing cabinet drawer.

However, there is also the emotional aspect of making final preparations I didn’t expect. Since my mom was struggling just to cope with losing her husband, most of the hard work fell on me. Not only did this prevent me from grieving my loss, but it also required hundreds of manhours. The workload created an enormous amount of anger and resentment. Then, there was the overwhelming depression when it felt like the work would never end.

As they watched me struggle, my mom and my husband both came to the same conclusion. We decided that we would never leave a mess like this for anyone else. So, we took steps to make this transition easier for those in charge of handling our affairs. It also puts my mind at ease knowing that all our paperwork is in order if/when something happens.

How Much Does It Cost?

The best part is that setting it up doesn’t cost much. If you want the ready-made organizational system, the Nokbox retails for $179. But, they also have the Nokbox Lite available for $69. When you purchase one, it also includes checklists to teach you how to organize your files.

However, you don’t have to spend this much to create a “death box.” You can put your organizational skills to use and create your own. After sorting our documents, I created about 15-20 different categories. Then, we bought hanging files, manila folders, and all the other office supplies we needed for less than $30. Lastly, we purchased a large fireproof box for around $75. For my family, the extra work was worth the savings since I already had a system and the skills to maintain it.

But for those who struggle or simply don’t want to waste time, it’s worth investing in the branded organizational system. Not only is it faster and more convenient, but it will also greatly reduce your stress over estate planning. And for those who have been through similar situations, you know that you can’t put a price on peace of mind.

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