12 Ways to Make Sure You Live Debt Free


In today’s world, where credit cards and loans are just a click away, living debt-free can seem like a distant dream. But it’s far from impossible. With a little discipline, strategic planning, and a shift in mindset, anyone can pave their way to a life without debt.

It’s all about making smart financial decisions, understanding the importance of saving, and knowing how to manage your money wisely.

1. Create and Stick to a Budget

Calculator with the word BUDGET on the display. Pen, eyeglasses and notepad on the diagrams. Concept photo.
Image Credit: Inna Kot/Shutterstock.

The first step to living a debt-free life is to create a realistic budget and stick to it. By knowing how much money comes in and where it goes every month, one can make informed decisions about spending and saving.

A budget helps to identify unnecessary expenses that can be cut, freeing up more money to pay off debts or to save. Consistency in following a budget is crucial for long-term financial health.

2. Build an Emergency Fund

Emergency fund in the glass jar with cash.
Image Credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi/Shutterstock.

An emergency fund acts as a financial safety net for unexpected expenses, such as medical bills or car repairs. Without it, one might be tempted to use credit cards or take out loans, accumulating more debt.

Experts often recommend saving enough to cover three to six months of living expenses. Starting small and gradually increasing the savings can make this task more manageable.

3. Avoid Using Credit Cards for Unnecessary Purchases

Woman next to cash register talking with sales clerk
Image Credit: gpointstudio/Shutterstock.


Credit cards can be useful for building credit, but they can also lead to debt if not used wisely. One should avoid using credit cards for impulsive or unnecessary purchases.

If using a credit card, it’s important to pay off the balance in full each month to avoid interest charges. This discipline helps maintain a debt-free lifestyle while still enjoying the benefits of credit cards.

4. Live Within Your Means

Young woman sitting on car seat and fastening seat belt, car safety concept. Woman fastens a seat belt in the car. Caucasian woman driver fastening car seat belt while sitting behind the wheel.
Image Credit: Photoroyalty/Shutterstock.


Living within your means is about spending less than you earn. It might require lifestyle changes, such as opting for a less expensive car or downsizing your home.

Making conscious choices about spending can prevent the accumulation of new debts. It’s about appreciating what you have and understanding the difference between wants and needs.

5. Pay More Than the Minimum on Debts

Man use smart phone and holding credit card with shopping online. Online payment concept.
Image Credit: wutzkohphoto/Shutterstock.


For those who already have debts, paying more than the minimum payment can significantly reduce the interest paid over time and shorten the debt repayment period. Even small additional payments can make a big difference.

Prioritizing debts with higher interest rates, often credit card debts, can be an effective strategy to become debt-free sooner.

6. Increase Your Income

Smiling young Caucasian woman in headphones take online educational course or training on laptop from home, happy female in wireless headset wave to camera, talk on webcam video call on computer.
Image Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.


Sometimes, cutting expenses might not be enough to live debt-free, and in such cases, looking for ways to increase income can be beneficial. This could mean asking for a raise, seeking a higher-paying job, or starting a side hustle.

Extra income can be directed towards paying off debts faster or building savings.

7. Use Windfalls Wisely

1040 Tax Form with Refund Check and Cash.
Image Credit: Mega Pixel/Shutterstock.


Windfalls, such as tax refunds, bonuses, or inheritances, provide a unique opportunity to make significant progress toward becoming debt-free.

Instead of spending this unexpected money on luxuries, applying it towards debts or savings can have a lasting impact on one’s financial situation.

8. Prioritize High-Interest Debts

Financial owe, hand of asian woman sitting, holding credit card, stressed by calculate expense from invoice or bill, no money to pay, mortgage or loan. Debt, bankruptcy or bankrupt.
Image Credit: Kmpzzz/Shutterstock.


One effective strategy to live debt-free is to prioritize paying off high-interest debts first. This method, often called the avalanche method, involves making minimum payments on all debts except for the one with the highest interest rate, which should receive any extra available funds.

Over time, this approach saves money on interest and expedites the debt elimination process. It’s a systematic way to tackle debt, ensuring that the most costly debts are cleared first.

9. Negotiate Lower Interest Rates

Online credit card payment for purchases from online stores and online shopping, Credit card close up shot.
Image Credit: Suradech Prapairat/Shutterstock.


Sometimes, simply asking can lead to lower interest rates on existing debts. Credit card companies, in particular, may be willing to negotiate rates to retain their customers. Lower interest rates mean lower monthly payments and less money paid over the life of the debt.

This step requires good communication skills and the confidence to ask for a better deal.

10. Adopt a Cash-Only Lifestyle

money in hand
Image Credit: Malochka Mikalai/Shutterstock.


To avoid the temptation of overspending, some find it beneficial to adopt a cash-only lifestyle. By using cash for daily transactions, one can physically see the money leaving their wallet, which can encourage more thoughtful spending.

This approach helps in sticking to a budget and can prevent the accumulation of new debt. It’s a tangible way to control spending habits and live within one’s means.

11. Track Your Spending

Track Your Spending is shown on the conceptual business photo.
Image Credit: Jack_the_sparow/Shutterstock.


Keeping a close eye on where every dollar goes is key to living debt-free. Regularly tracking spending can uncover hidden or unnecessary expenses that can be eliminated.

This habit also reinforces the importance of making informed spending decisions and can highlight areas where one can save more money. Tracking spending can be done through apps, spreadsheets, or even a simple notebook.

12. Automate Savings and Debt Payments

Man using mobile payments online shopping m-banking Internet Global Marketing.
Image Credit: one photo/Shutterstock,


Automation is a powerful tool in managing finances. Setting up automatic transfers to savings accounts can help build an emergency fund without much thought, and automatic debt payments ensure that payments are never missed.

This strategy removes the temptation to spend what should be saved or used to pay off debts. Automating financial commitments helps maintain discipline in one’s financial life.

13 Signs You’re Financially Better Off Than the Average American

Closeup portrait of a happy man in cap outdoor in the forest.
Image Credit: Slatan/Shutterstock.


Achieving financial stability where you can meet your current financial obligations comfortably and still plan for the future is a goal everyone strives to attain.

However, while you may be able to pay your bills, save for vacations, and afford to dine out occasionally, you may feel left behind, especially if you compare yourself with your peers or others with higher salaries. You may be doing way better financially than the average American.

13 Signs You’re Financially Better off Than the Average American

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Handsome middle-aged caucasian man in apron, concentrated artist with beard, seriously sitting while painting a canvas in art studio, surrounded by paintbrushes, palette and easel.
Image Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock.


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Attractive stylish middle-aged woman teacher standing in front of the class blackboard looking thoughtfully at the camera with a smile.
Image Credit: stockfour/Shutterstock.


Specific experiences and commodities from the past were part of everyday life, accessible to most, and cherished by many. Fast forward half a century, and you’ll find these once-common threads have become silken and exclusive, reserved for the wallets of the well-to-do.

The landscape has shifted from leisure activities that bond families and friends to necessities that ensure health and happiness.

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14 Companies That Will Give You Free Food and Products Just for Asking

Smiling girl eating food from takeaway paper box outdoors.
Image Credit: Branislav Nenin/Shutterstock.


More companies are now offering free samples to get customers to try a new product. Over time, these companies gain loyal customers and can increase their sales. As a customer, you also get to test out free products and sample foods you’ve never tasted.

Here are some companies that will give you food and products for free just by asking.

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Author: Claire Conway


Claire started Femme on FIRE after struggling with the debt cycle and realizing that she had to create better habits to get out of it. She became inspired along this journey and now strives to help others achieve financial freedom as well. When she isn’t working on her blog, you can find her on the couch with a good book, cooking up recipes in the kitchen, or playing outside with her ducks.

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