If you want to add more convenience to your life, why not look into buying particular items in bulk? Of course, you would need the extra space to host your bulk goodies, as well as some extra money to pay upfront. Buying certain things in bulk will not only save you a bit of money, as bulk items are generally slightly cheaper, but it’ll also save you from too many trips to the supermarket.
However, you won’t get value out of buying everything in bulk, and that’s where we come in to help. Here, we have listed the best things to buy in bulk if you’d like to save a bit of money and add a bit of convenience to your day-to-day life.
Toilet Paper
Toilet paper is luckily not quite like the perishable food in your fridge that could potentially go bad in a few days if not consumed. By stocking up on toilet paper, you could save money and use less plastic!
Nuts can be quite pricey, and if you’re someone who regularly chomps on nuts, then why not buy them in bulk to save a little extra on this purchase? To keep them extra fresh, you should try to keep them in the freezer (if you have space).
Office and School Supplies
We all know how much stationery can put a dent in our wallets. To save a bit more on this expense, why not go for bulk options? If you have more than one child in school, then you will also know how quickly one household can go through these supplies; besides, you can never have too many spare pens lying around!
Paper Towels
Every household needs to have paper towels on hand! When you buy them in bulk, you not only ensure that you never run out, but you may also even save some extra money!
If you’re an avid coffee drinker, then this one is for you! Being a regular coffee consumer also means that you are going to probably be going through several coffee bags each month. When buying this commodity, you’re just doing yourself a favor by buying it in bulk, as you can save quite a bit.
If you love baking, then you will know that sometimes, one simple baking recipe calls for a full stick of butter. If you bake at least once a week, then you’re probably using enough butter to buy in bulk. This will not only save some money, but it’ll also save you from too many trips to the supermarket.
To keep your butter optimal, freeze the butter you won’t be using in the coming weeks.
The nice thing about this kitchen staple is that it can have a shelf-life of up to two years, provided it is stored in a cool, dark area and enclosed in an airtight container. There is no reason not to buy your pasta in bulk unless you don’t have the space to store it.
Much like pasta, rice is another pantry staple that can last forever if stored correctly. Rice is a cheap and healthy food to eat- so stock up and cut down on your food expenses. Get creative and research new recipes to use and enjoy this cheap food that can be stored for a long time.
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