Passports aren’t all alike. Some allow more access to the world than others. The power of a passport is often judged by how many countries you can visit without having to get a visa to enter.
This gives these passport holders more freedom to travel. The average passport allows for visa-free travel to 111 countries, but the passports on this list will get you into considerably more. According to Visual Capitalist, these are the countries with the most powerful passports.
If you live in France, you have an enormous number of countries you can travel to with ease. You can visit 194 countries, giving you a very detailed view of the world and its cultures.
If you hold a German passport, you can get into as many countries as you can with a French passport- 194. Several passports tie with this number of countries they can freely travel to.
If you get tired of the stunning beauty of Italy, you can try out 194 other countries easily if you have an Italian passport. This passport ties to the most powerful in the world.
Some Asian passports are also powerful. The Japanese passport allows the holder to travel to 194 countries. It’s tied for the most powerful passport in Asia.
The other Asian passport with a superpower, this passport can get holders into 194 countries. Singapore passport holders can travel around the world and see the most amazing areas in the world.
If you hold a passport from Spain, you’re welcomed into 194 countries without a visa. That makes it easier to travel to destinations far and wide and see much of the world.
Finland has a powerful passport that can unlock travel to 193 countries. It’s a testament to the peaceful nature of Finland. Traveling outside of Finland can be done practically anywhere.
South Korea
If you don’t want to get a visa for the places you want to travel, having a South Korean passport is a great way to start. It allows South Korean citizens to travel to 193 countries visa-free.
Scandinavian countries tend to have very powerful passports, and Sweden is no exception. With a Swedish passport, you’re free to travel to 193 countries around the world.
If you want a break from the stunning beauty of the Alps, you can travel to 192 other countries with your Austrian passport. It’s lucky to have one of these passports if you’re into travel.
Northern Europeans tend to have powerful passports that let them travel freely. A passport from Denmark can get Danish people into 192 countries without needing a visa.
It’s the luck of the Irish that gives their passports so much power, and a lack of political tensions with most other countries doesn’t hurt. With an Irish passport, visa-free travel to 192 countries is allowed.
If you’re a citizen of the Netherlands, you can go tulip shopping in 192 other countries with your passport. It gives these passport holders a lot of freedom to travel around the globe.
If you have a Belgian passport, you can sample chocolates around the world. You can visit 191 countries visa-free with this passport, making travel much less of a hassle.
If you live in the tiny country of Luxembourg and hold a passport, the world is your oyster. You can easily travel to 191 countries with just the power of your passport.
The 20 Most Spectacular Waterfalls in the U.S.
Waterfalls are among the top outdoor attractions people like to visit. Their effects range from soothing to inspiring to awe-inducing, and although they’re most common in mountainous areas, there are waterfalls in every U.S. state.
With more than 17,000 documented waterfalls in the country, any list of the best is going to be subjective, but you won’t be disappointed by the ones here.
The 20 Most Spectacular Waterfalls in the U.S.
20 U.S. National Parks Everyone Should Visit At Least Once
Our National Park System is one of the country’s greatest treasures, and it’s often been called “America’s Best Idea.” Currently, there are 63 national parks from the Pacific (American Samoa) to the ocean south of Florida (Dry Tortugas) and from the Arctic to the tropics.
Most people won’t get a chance to visit them all, so if you could only visit 20 and just one time each, which ones should they be? Here are our recommendations:
20 U.S. National Parks Everyone Should Visit At Least Once
The 15 Most-Visited Countries in the World
The world is big, and there are countless places to explore. Some countries attract many more visitors than others. Countries that are popular with tourists often have a lot to see and do, as well as friendly people and great food.
According to Insider Monkey, these countries have the most visitors every year.
The 15 Most-Visited Countries in the World
The 5 States With the Best Roads (And the 5 That Are Just the Absolute Worst)
The state of the roads is important to everyone who travels over them. Virtually everyone notices when the roads are bad. The journey becomes bumpy and shaky and may even damage your vehicle.
Some states are doing a better job with their road quality than others. According to USAFacts, these are the states that have the best roads and the ones that do the worst job on their roads.
The 5 States With the Best Roads (And the 5 That Are Just the Absolute Worst)
The 30 Most Beautiful Places People Must Visit
There’s no way you could ever come up with a definitive list of the world’s most beautiful places. However, if you ask around, some places come up a lot more frequently than others do.
Not in any particular order, the following are some of those places that people mention over and over again.