5 Ways to Fix Your Money Blocks in Order to Reach Your Financial Dreams


Money blocks are like massive hurdles that are getting in the way of you saving the amount of money that you’d like to. These blocks are stopping you from achieving your financial dreams and are essentially holding your success back.

To overcome these massive money blocks, we must change money mindsets or the way we think about money. Here, we have listed all how you can overcome these massive hurdles that are preventing you from reaching your financial dreams.

Further Your Knowledge About Money

Serious businessman thinking hard of problem solution working late in office with computers documents, thoughtful trader focused on stock trading data analysis, analyzing forecasting financial rates
Image Credit: Viktoriia Hnatiuk/Shutterstock.


One of the crucial things we don’t seem to learn at school is how to handle money. It’s up to us to educate ourselves when it comes to money, and luckily, there are tons of resources out there to do so.

There are so many books about financial freedom out there that are waiting for you to crack them and further your knowledge about finances. If reading is not your thing, then you could always opt for podcasts about finances, of which there are tons to choose from.

YouTube is another source of information about finances, as long as you have a strong internet connection. Nothing is getting in the way of you smarting up when it comes to financial wisdom.

Set Goals

Piggy bank and open notepad with inscription financial goals and list.
Image Credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi/Shutterstock.


If you have no goals or dreams when it comes to money, then you will have no direction when it comes to building wealth. Any successful person sets goals and objectives for themselves so that they can work towards them. It can be anything from paying off your debts to saving X amount of dollars over a given period.

Game Plans to Achieve Goals

Young african partners giving high five at workplace celebrate achievement. Happy mixed-race coworkers working together in financial report and sharing high-five in modern office
Image Credit: nimito/Shutterstock.


Once you have recognized the goals you would like to achieve, you will need to work out a game plan for how exactly you will be achieving these goals. Perhaps you need to find an additional stream of income or cut back on expensive dinners or hobbies that are slashing your savings.

Either way, you are going to have to make some changes if you want to achieve your goals.

Focus on the Future

macro eyes web surfer and the office worker, insurance broker, workaholic, while working in the office evenings, control and security in the accesses, security, concept of internet web application.
Image Credit: Kitreel/Shutterstock.


Almost everyone has regrets about decisions they have made in the past regarding money. But to move forward to financial freedom and achieve your dreams, it’s crucial to let go of the past and focus on the future. It’s best to see these past mistakes as lessons learned and move on from them without repeating them in the future.

Choose a Belief System Based on Facts

Saving money investment for future. African American girl putting money coin in pink piggy bank. Saving investment budget business wealth retirement financial money banking concept.
Image Credit: Julia Zavalishina/Shutterstock.


It’s easy to allow fear, worry, or greed to dictate how we deal with money, but instead of these notions, we need to make our financial decisions based on facts.

It’s so easy to let fear have us believe that we will never have enough money, but the truth is that as long as you have a little bit of time on your side, there should always be opportunities to make more money.

20 Frugal Tips From the “Grandparents Generation” That Still Apply Today

senior woman in hat and sporty jacket snowballing in snow winter park. Winter, age, sport, activity, season concept.
Image Credit: Kateryna Mostova/Shutterstock.


Many of today’s grandparents had parents or grandparents who lived through the Great Depression. They adopted many of the frugal living tips they learned and passed them on to their own children.

Grandkids sometimes think that they know everything and that their grandparents are out of touch with today’s world and reality. And while there might be a kernel of truth to that, grandparents still have a wealth of knowledge that can really help. They may need to be tweaked to fit the current world but they are still valuable.

20 Frugal Tips From the “Grandparents Generation” That Still Apply Today

13 Signs You’re Financially Better Off Than the Average American

Closeup portrait of a happy man in cap outdoor in the forest.
Image Credit: Slatan/Shutterstock.


Achieving financial stability where you can meet your current financial obligations comfortably and still plan for the future is a goal everyone strives to attain.

However, while you may be able to pay your bills, save for vacations, and afford to dine out occasionally, you may feel left behind, especially if you compare yourself with your peers or others with higher salaries. You may be doing way better financially than the average American.

13 Signs You’re Financially Better Off than the Average American

14 Companies That Will Give You Free Food and Products Just for Asking

Smiling girl eating food from takeaway paper box outdoors.
Image Credit: Branislav Nenin/Shutterstock.


More companies are now offering free samples to get customers to try a new product. Over time, these companies gain loyal customers and can increase their sales. As a customer, you also get to test out free products and sample foods you’ve never tasted.

Read on as we explore some companies that will give you food and products for free just by asking.

14 Companies That Will Give You Free Food and Products Just for Asking

14 Powerful Frugal Living Tips for Middle-Class Americans

Head and shoulders of a mature woman.
Image Credit: XiXinXing/Shutterstock.


Inflation is high. This means that we don’t all need to understand, but we do understand that prices are high on basically everything. Everything costs more, and things are tough. Basic necessities like housing and healthcare are becoming increasingly unaffordable for most people.

As middle-class Americans adjust to the new reality, here are some powerful frugal living tips that can make our lives easier and better.

14 Powerful Frugal Living Tips for Middle-Class Americans


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