Just because something’s popular doesn’t mean it’s good, fun, or valuable. We often scratch our heads over popular things and wonder what all the fuss is about. Following are several popular things that a lot of people just don’t see that much appeal to.
Mean Pranks
Most of us enjoy harmless pranks, but mean-spirited ones that humiliate or injure people aren’t funny. Even more troubling is that thousands of people get a kick watching videos of them.
Prime Hydration Beverages
Suddenly, these have caught on. One knock on them is they’re way more expensive than competing products. Another is that even if you like the taste, it’s low in sodium and sugar and high in potassium, which is about the opposite of what you need from a rehydration drink.
Reality TV
It was interesting at first, but then it seemed to be everywhere, replacing quality programming with actual actors and scripts. After watching it for a bit, you can almost feel yourself starting to get dumber.
Cable TV
Cable had so much promise, but the companies blew it with poor customer service and monopoly-like pricing. Most people just wanted a handful of channels but had to pay for dozens or even hundreds they would never watch.
Streaming Services
Streaming was going to be the antidote to cable, and at first, it was. Now, though, you’re starting to see bundled services and more and more ads. It’s like the new cable.
Excessively Bright Headlights
Those intensely bright headlights that sometimes blind you aren’t all from people leaving their high beams on. Many new cars have bright lights that also seem to be pointed right at people’s eyes.
Social Media
It can be fun, but there’s a strong case that it’s a net ill for society. Think of all the misinformation, trolling, bullying, hate speech, stalking, grooming, and other bad things people use the platforms for.
Speaking of social media, what is it with influencers? These people make good money plugging products they hope their followers will buy. Everyone says that they don’t like influencers, but how is it that they have so many followers?
Is the coffee really that good for the price, or has Starbucks just become one of the things the cool kids do? Plus, their snacks and sandwiches are pretty awful, and they’re not cheap, either.
Credit Cards
Free money! Now I can furnish my house with all kinds of great stuff! That’s what a lot of people seem to think. Then, they end up with huge debts, and they throw thousands of dollars away due to interest.
If there’s anything nice to say about it, it’s that it’s less obnoxious and unhealthy than actual smoking is, and the smell doesn’t linger as long. Still, it’s pretty annoying to have to share someone’s vape when you don’t want to.
Fake Eyelashes
It’s a free country, and you can like fake eyelashes if you want to. However, to almost everyone else, they’re ridiculous because they’re so obviously fake.
Some people grumble about sequels and prequels for movies that didn’t need them, but reboots are even worse. Nothing in movies says “money grab,” like taking a perfectly good franchise and reinventing it just for ticket sales.
The Kardashians
They’re kind of like influencers. You may not know anyone who follows them, but somehow millions do. What exactly is the appeal?
Videos of People’s Kids Having Accidents
A show called America’s Funniest Home Videos launched a trend of people sharing videos of their kids tripping, falling, and having other mishaps with the world. Especially disturbing is knowing that, in some cases, parents set these things up to occur.
15 Behaviors That Are a Dead Giveaways Someone Is Poorly Educated
We all like to think we are always acting at our most intelligent and rational. Yet, ignorance from a lack of education can sneak up on us or be on full display in others.
Awareness is key to preventing and correcting some of our worst ideas and behavior. Here are 15 signs of ignorance and poor education to look out for.
15 Behaviors That Are a Dead Giveaways Someone Is Poorly Educated
15 Things People Mistakenly Think Are Real but Aren’t
People believe all kinds of ridiculous things, and they believe some true-sounding things that are actually false as well. Some of these things have been repeated for ages and will probably never go away.
Others have sprung up more recently and spread fast, thanks to the internet. While you probably can’t convince the people who repeat such misinformation that they’re wrong, you can at least know the truth when they try to push it on you!
15 Things People Mistakenly Think Are Real but Aren’t
The 20 Most Successful Singers Of All Time
It’s easy to judge the success of an artist based on how many Grammys they’ve won or by how much money they’ve made. A better look at success, however, is to see how many singles they’ve released relative to the number of Grammys they’ve won.
According to BonusInsider, these artists are the most successful based on these metrics.