How Keeping a Positive Relationship Can Protect Your Net Worth


Positive Relationship Can Protect Your Net Worth

For most of us, our finances reflect more than just our spending choices. While budgeting and saving can ensure your net worth stays in tact to a point, the way you live your life can affect it in so many ways. Your attitude, your motivation, and your energy level all play into how diligent you can be in meeting your goals. This is why having and maintaining a positive relationship can protect your net worth, even though it can be hard to see how.


When you are setting goals, you are typically finding a financial point at which you will be content. Your goal is going to be to eventually get in a comfortable enough position to live a happy life without having to slave away as you get older. How, though, can you live a happy life if your relationships are in turmoil? This can become a serious mental block when it comes to even imagining what your goals will be. What is the point of meeting a financial goal if the balance of your life will be out of whack regardless?

Maintaining positive romantic, familial, and friendly relationships will help you keep your eyes on the prize by guaranteeing that you can enjoy your financial freedom to the fullest extent. A positive relationship can protect your net worth by keeping you happy despite the work that goes into growing it.


This one ties closely in with the last, but has its own unique qualities. Your motivation to get up and get to work is deeply influenced by what you expect the next day to be like. If you are worried about what it will feel like to face your significant other, family, friend, or coworker, you’re going to want to wrap yourself in a blanket burrito and never get out of bed. This is why putting the work in with your relationships is so key to retaining your motivation. Motivation is vital to meeting your goals, and starting the daily habits that will be so helpful in growing your net worth. Don’t let negativity in your relationships get in the way of you and your goals.


Relationships can be exhausting. People are complex, and so is trying to maintain frequent and positive contact with them. The best way to make sure that your relationships will completely exhaust you is to be lazy in maintaining them. I know it seems counter-intuitive; if you’re lazy, shouldn’t it save energy? That is exactly how so many fall into this trap.

You need to invest the right amount of energy to make the people with whom you share your life feel cared for. Once you form this habit, the most important one you will ever initiate, you’ll be amazed how much more energy you are able to gain by huddling with your support system.  Positivity begets positivity, and there isn’t anything that will prove to you just how great life can be more than sharing real and powerful relationships with those you care about. Invest the energy into your relationships, and you will earn it all back– with interest.

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