12 Double Standards That Make Everyone Angry


Double standards are rules or expectations that treat some people differently from others, even when they’re in similar situations. They often leave a lot of folks feeling frustrated and upset. These double standards can be found in areas like dress codes, education, work, and even on social media.

By shedding light on these inequalities, we aim to understand better the issues that make people angry and advocate for a more fair and equal society.

1. Dress Code Discrimination

Dress code. Close-up of a business suit and a tie of a manager and business staff standing in blurry with their hands in pockets of the trousers.
Image Credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/Shutterstock.

Society often imposes different dress code standards for men and women. While men can typically wear casual attire without raising eyebrows, women are frequently scrutinized for their clothing choices. This double standard perpetuates gender inequality, as women are unfairly judged based on their outfits rather than their abilities. It’s high time society acknowledges that everyone should have the freedom to dress comfortably without facing bias.

2. Age and Experience

Senior man threatens with finger. Displeased old male. I disapprove this. Be ready for everything.
Image Credit: DenisProduction.com/Shutterstock.

Age-related double standards are prevalent in workplaces and communities. Younger individuals are often seen as inexperienced, while older individuals are assumed to possess wisdom and knowledge. However, expertise should be determined by an individual’s qualifications and accomplishments, not just their age. This double standard can hinder young talents from reaching their full potential and restrict older individuals from exploring new opportunities.

3. Parental Expectations

Expectant couple sitting outside cafe.
Image Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.

Society often has different expectations for mothers and fathers. Mothers are frequently held to a higher standard when it comes to parenting, with unrealistic pressures to excel in both their careers and as caregivers. Fathers, on the other hand, are often praised for their involvement even when they do less. This double standard not only places an undue burden on mothers but also deprives fathers of the chance to fully participate in their children’s lives.

4. Body Image and Beauty Standards

An angry young woman demands someone to hand over her belongings.
Image Credit: MDV Edwards/Shutterstock.

The media often perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards that disproportionately affect women. Women are bombarded with images of airbrushed perfection, while men are given more leeway when it comes to their appearances. This double standard not only damages women’s self-esteem but also perpetuates harmful beauty ideals that can have lasting psychological and physical consequences.

5. Criminal Justice

Confident lawyer portrait.
Image Credit: Minerva Studio/Shutterstock.

The criminal justice system is riddled with double standards based on race and socioeconomic status. People from marginalized communities often face harsher punishments for the same crimes compared to those from privileged backgrounds. This systemic bias not only erodes trust in the justice system but also perpetuates inequality and discrimination.

6. Educational Opportunities

Portrait of cheerful male international Indian student with backpack, learning accessories standing near bookshelves at university library or book store during break between lessons. Education concept.
Image Credit: Stock 4you/Shutterstock.

Access to quality education is often unevenly distributed based on socioeconomic status. Students from low-income backgrounds may not have the same opportunities as their wealthier counterparts. This double standard perpetuates inequality and limits the potential for social mobility, leaving many frustrated with the unjust disparities in the education system.

7. Stereotyping in Entertainment

Portrait of young woman in checkered shirt with expression emotions.
Image Credit: amixstudio via DepositPhotos.com.

The entertainment industry frequently relies on harmful stereotypes to portray certain ethnic or cultural groups. While these portrayals may be condemned, they persist in mainstream media. This double standard not only perpetuates harmful biases but also frustrates those who seek fair and accurate representation in the media they consume.

8. Political Accountability

Aggressive politician holding a sign and pointing during a press conference.
Image Credit: Stokkete/Shutterstock.

Politicians are held to different standards depending on their party affiliation. Accusations of wrongdoing or unethical behavior are often treated more leniently or harshly based on political bias. This double standard in political accountability fuels division and cynicism among the public.

9. Workplace Expectations

Mean Boss in Office
Image Credit: eric1513 via DepositPhotos.com.

Employees are often subjected to double standards in the workplace, especially regarding punctuality and work-life balance. Some may find themselves reprimanded for minor infractions, while others face no consequences for similar actions. These disparities can lead to frustration and resentment among coworkers.

10. Body Positivity

Beautiful asian fitness female sportswoman lifting dumbbell weight training after finish morning run outdoor. Happy smiling athlete woman excercising under the tree in the park while staring at camera.
Image Credit: feeling lucky/Shutterstock.

Society tends to embrace body positivity differently for different body types. While some body shapes and sizes are celebrated, others are criticized or shamed. This double standard not only harms individuals’ self-esteem but also reinforces harmful beauty ideals that can be disheartening for many.

11. Social Media Censorship

Young pretty woman using social media on her smartphone
Image Credit: HASLOO via DepositPhotos.com.

Social media platforms often apply double standards when it comes to content moderation. Some individuals or groups seem to receive more leniency regarding hate speech or misinformation, while others face immediate consequences. This inconsistency in enforcing community guidelines leaves many users angry about the perceived bias.

12. Pay Disparities

woman commuting in office casual style.
Image Credit: maruco/Shutterstock.

Gender and racial pay gaps persist in many industries, where women and minority groups are often paid less for the same work as their white male counterparts. This double standard in compensation fuels frustration and inequality in the workplace as individuals strive for equal pay for equal work.

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Rear view of the statue of Napoleon Bonaparte in the Hotel des Invalides in Paris, France, with the french flag flying in the distance.
Image Credit: olrat/Shutterstock.


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Image Credit: Asatur Yesayants/Shutterstock.


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Image Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock.


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Image Credit: Krakenimages.com/DepositPhotos.com.


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Author: Claire Conway


Claire started Femme on FIRE after struggling with the debt cycle and realizing that she had to create better habits to get out of it. She became inspired along this journey and now strives to help others achieve financial freedom as well. When she isn’t working on her blog, you can find her on the couch with a good book, cooking up recipes in the kitchen, or playing outside with her ducks.