There are a lot of countries that women should avoid if they’re traveling solo. No matter where they go, solo women travelers should stay aware of their surroundings and make sure to take safety precautions.
However, some countries are far safer than others, and these can make ideal places to visit alone.
Croatia is a stunning country with amazing beach views and great food. It also has ancient sites you can visit. It’s a highly safe country with a very low crime rate, and the people are friendly and helpful. Just avoid secluded places and keep track of your belongings.
This tiny country is very safe, even at night. It has a low crime rate, though tourists could meet pickpockets. Just stay away from deserted areas and the rest of the country is a great place for solo travel.
This country has a rich history and plenty to see, do, and eat. It’s one of the safest countries to visit and has helpful people willing to lend a hand if you need it. Just be a little more careful at night, and stay in tourist areas when possible.
Japan is extremely safe, even for solo women, and even at night. There’s virtually no street harassment of women, and public transportation is impeccable and safe. Crime is highly rare.
Albania is very safe for travelers, and that includes women alone. There’s little crime in this country, and the people pride themselves on their friendliness and hospitality. Many people speak English there as well.
Stay in well-populated areas, and this country is very safe for women alone, even at night. The police have a presence that deters most crime, and street harassment of women is rare. Public transportation is reliable and safe.
Though it doesn’t have the best safety at night, during the day the country is a nice place for women to travel in. Women should dress modestly and not call attention to themselves. It’s safe to take public transportation, and it’s a reliable way to get around.
Come for the amazing food; stay for women’s safety. Minor problems like pickpocketing can happen, but otherwise, crime is low, and people are friendly. Locals are respectful to tourists, and that includes women alone.
This lovely country is known for its chocolate, and it’s highly safe for women, even at night in well-traveled areas. Just avoid the isolated areas and stay aware of who’s around you. Overall, people report this country to be one of the very safest.
One of the safest countries in the world, Iceland has a strong respect for women. You won’t have street harassment or have to worry much about petty crime. Women often travel in this country alone, and they find the locals to be friendly. They also widely speak English.
It isn’t the best-known European country, but it is one of the safest. Locals are respectful and helpful, though you need to know a little of the local language. It has good infrastructure and safe public transportation.
As safe as it is beautiful, Switzerland costs a lot to visit, but you can visit on your own without much worry. Locals and authorities are helpful to travelers, and it’s even safe at night in populated areas.
With some of the lowest crime in Europe, it’s great to travel solo in Ireland. It has safe public transit, and it’s safe to travel alone even at night. Petty crimes are a possibility, but crime is low across the country.
Singapore is known for its high-tech atmosphere as well as its high degree of safety. It’s safe to walk alone at night as well as to take public transportation. There are cameras everywhere, and the authorities are extremely strict on crime.
Norway, one of the world’s safest countries, is safe even at night for women traveling solo. There’s virtually no street harassment, and the population values and respects women. Petty crimes exist, but they’re rare.
The 11 Most Dishonest Cities in America
Picture this: you find a stack of cash. Do you pocket the unexpected windfall, or do you take the noble route and hand it in to the police?
In this scenario, a significant 47% of Americans admit they would keep the found money, assuming no one saw their stroke of luck. Interestingly, gender doesn’t play a big role, with both women (47.4%) and men (46.6%) expressing similar inclinations to be tempted by the cash.
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