The bedroom is many things, but if we had to narrow it down, then a bedroom is a place that should inspire us to rest and relax. But as life goes by, things can get messy, or certain designs or layouts may find their way into your bedroom.
If you want to create a safe space in your bedroom where relaxation is high on the list, then here is a list of things that you can keep out of the bedroom.
Paperwork and Bills
Bills and other paperwork have no place in the bedroom. This is not the right place to do your weekly administration tasks, so it’s best to leave these documents out of the bedroom.
Save this work for a designated area outside of the bedroom, like a desk, to ensure that you keep your bedroom calm and clutter-free. This will guarantee that you keep the outside world out of your supposed personal sanctuary.
Large Furniture
The last thing you want in your bedroom is the feeling that everything is cramped and cluttered. Large furniture may not only give this effect, but it may also make your bedroom feel less roomy.
It may be difficult to fully relax if your bedroom feels this way, so it’s best to avoid large pieces of furniture altogether.
Harsh Blue and White Light
Some people don’t know this, but harsh lights have the potential to disrupt the natural circadian rhythm, which may, in turn, affect our sleep. It does so by keeping us awake for longer, and we’re pretty sure that this is the last thing that anyone would want in their bedroom.
It’s best to opt for soft yellow hues in the bedroom to ensure you will relax and have a restful night.
A Cluttered Bedside Table
It starts with an empty glass, and the next thing you know, your whole bedside table is swamped with bits and bobs. It’s essential to only keep the things that you need on your bedside table. An uncluttered table will hopefully render an equally uncluttered mind, which should result in a blissful sleep. Ah, doesn’t that sound nice?
Diagonal Beds
The bedroom isn’t a place to get artsy and experimental with furniture placement. Besides that, there’s a time and a place for everything, and unless you have space limitations in your bedroom, it’s best to avoid this layout altogether.
Keep diagonal angles for furniture for other parts of your home, as it may accentuate some of your furniture pieces, but sadly, that doesn’t go for beds.
Bold Colors
To make your bedroom a soft and cushy haven where you can escape to for a nap and not to mention your nightly slumber, it’s best to opt for soft and neutral tones that will inspire a calm and serene atmosphere.
This is where you start and finish your day, and if you think about it, bold colors may be a bit too startling to create a peaceful resting space.
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One could say that bathrooms are equal parts utility and sanctuary. Essentially, they’re the place where you can light a candle and wind down from a long day, but at the same time, it’s the exact spot where most of your grooming and getting ready for your day (or bed) happens. In terms of aesthetics, we do want our bathrooms to feel welcoming and serene, but, at the same time, they need to be functional.
3 Outdated and Overdone Bathroom Design Trends That Are No Longer Trending
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